Step 1 – Geriatric Survey is attached and must be used! Home is located in Houston, TX Step 2: From the point of view of an older adult, use the information you gathered in step 1 to evaluate your neighborhood in terms of how adequately it will meet your present and anticipated future needs. Write a paper on this using APA format. You may use either sixth or seventh edition APA. This is an academic, APA paper from the view of an outside person. Avoid telling a story of yourself and your dog and that you are happy the sidewalk is flat. Avoid personal information about your family. Avoid material on older adults that does not apply to the community (half page on hypertension from the Mayo clinic does not belong, focus on the community and older adult. Your paper should be at least three pages double spaced not counting cover page or references. Students must use three current academic references (within the past five years) in addition to the references they use to document characteristics about their neighborhood. These references should concern characteristics and needs of older adults. Crime rates should be reported as incidents per 1000 or per 100,000 inhabitants. Crime rates should be reported using government sources. Facts that are not common knowledge should be supported with a citation. One of those references can be your textbook. All submissions will be checked for plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected the student will receive a zero for this assignment and will be referred to the Office of Community Standards.
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