1. Analyze Katz’s analysis of diverse masculinities and apply to one of the traits of inclusive leadership. 2. In what ways do popular culture stereotypes about men and gender infiltrate the workplace? Post a substantive response to the question (minimum 250 words).
Also reply to the following 2 classmates with at least 100 words
Kat’z analysis of diverse masculinities would tie into the traits of inclusive leadership when we look at men individually instead of as a group. I think we can tell that while there are many men that fit into the category of dominant and violent, some dont fit into that. Some men are leaders that also view women as equal counterparts that help a business grow, rather than a person that is incapable of helping advance a business. I would say that this would fit into the collaboration category of inclusive leadership. A man that collaborate with all of its staff instead of just one group or person is opening up a new path for growth.
Popular culture likes to make men out to be either powerful and dominant in the workforce, or rough and hands on. I would say that this could be true for some men, but it doesnt always have to be true. We see a lot of men that are the leader of a company. Many of these men hold a powerful role in the workforce, but they do not use their power to dominate over their employees. Men also take on the role of mechanics or construction workers, along with many other trade jobs, but we know that women can also work trades as well. Popular culture shows us that men are this way and we see a lot of the stereotypes in the workforce. It is important however to recognize that men also take on the role of stay at home dads and nurses or doctors as well. Men can also be nurturing, despite what popular culture says.
According to Katz, masculinity is seen as using force, violence, and physical toughness by men to gain and maintain power and control. Men strive to be the “top dog,” it’s the way they are raised. When discussing diverse masculinities in the workplace, men will do almost anything to make sure they are in control. Examples of this can be directed towards women by putting them down or pretending they don’t exist. The same behavior could also be directed towards men who possess feminine attributes.
A good leader uses cognizance of bias in meetings or other areas in the workplace. Males who hold leadership positions that are self-aware and understand the unconscious bias of a group are more likely to establish company normals to try and eliminate those bias. The company may implement strategies such as allowing everyone the opportunity to speak before adjourning the meeting, allowing the person speaking the ability to complete their thought process without interruption. Furthermore, bias can also be addressed by how the room is set up. If the position of authority is unknown (no podium), coworkers are more likely to feel an openness to discuss matters at hand and feel equally important as others in the room.
As portrayed in “Tough Guise II,” we discover that men learn how to behave by watching videos, sports, advertising, video games, and political culture. They try to mimic what they see and perceive as cultural norms based on things like race, age, gender, ethnicity, geographical background, and socio-economic standings. This can be witnessed in the workplace by something as simple as a handshake between the organizational leader and a coworker of similar cultural background.
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