Its common to want to rush through our reading for many reasons. However, reading for your courses is meant to be more involved. Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Reading Deeply for Disciplinary Awareness and Political Judgement (Links to an external site.) , The Importance of Deep Reading , Reading Fast and Slow , and The Rules. Rule One: Be Patient (pp. 5361) in Slow Reading in a Hurried Age . See attached……….Below Reflect: Think about the articles youve just read about and how you might (or might not) apply the information. Write: In at least 250: Describe your thoughts on slow and deep reading. Provide a brief summary of the information and explain your understanding of slow and deep reading. Explain what makes sense about these concepts and what is confusing. Discuss which parts are practical for you and which parts you arent likely to use. Be sure to explain why. Assess how well you feel you can read slowly and deeply and how slow and/or deep reading might impact your coursework.
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