Assignment Content

  1. Complete your Gemba Walk and document your observations.

    Write a 4- to 6-page report on your observations of your Gemba. Include the following in your report:

    • Provide a summary of your organization.
    • Provide context regarding the events and any industry.
    • Note your Gemba observations.
    • What was the goal of the Gemba?
    • What did you observe during your Gemba?
    • Provide a preliminary analysis of your observations.
    • Did you observe any opportunities?
    • Decrease inefficiencies
    • Reduce waste
    • Improve a product
    • Streamline a process
    • What were the key takeaways?
    • Who were the individuals you spoke with?
    • Who are they and what are their responsibilities?
    • What did you learn from the people who work in the environment you observed?
    • Detail the composition of your evaluation/interview sheet.
    • Attach copies of completed evaluation/interview sheets.
    • List two short-term and one long-term executable project ideas.
    • How is your employer responding to your project?

    Cite any resources you may have used in the Gemba.

    Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

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