The purpose of a functional behavior assessment is to determine when, where, and why a student is engaging in challenging behaviors. Students may engage in challenging behaviors across various conditions, as behaviors may be adaptive or serve a communicative intent. Utilizing FBAs, teachers can test a hypothesis for the function of challenging behavior. Once the function of a challenging behavior is determined, teachers can put the necessary supports in place to ensure student success. Create a digital graphic organizer explaining, in detail, the procedural steps involved in performing a functional behavior assessment. Address the following: Identifying when an FBA would be conducted Identifying stakeholders and roles each stakeholder plays in the collaborative processes Types of collaborative data collected and interpreted from stakeholders regarding student behavior that has led to conducting an FBA in an ethical and professional manner Identifying and defining target behaviors Conducting collaborative behavioral assessments, including direct observation and indirect collection methods, and how the data can be used to make decisions about individuals with disabilities Conducting an FBA, including different types of assessment tools and an appropriate timeline Identifying next steps after an FBA is conducted Support your graphic organizer with a minimum of three scholarly resources.
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