For this project, you will research a food that is common to many cultures OR a cultural celebration featuring symbolic foods. Topics will be chosen from the approved list below. You will present a history of the food or cultural celebration from an anthropological/historical point of view. For a food topic, you will describe traditional uses in the cultures where it is used, including symbolic uses of the food, historical importance, and any restrictions on the use of the food. For a celebration, you will include discussion of associated symbolic food(s) and their meaning in the context of the celebration, and typical preparations. You will also discuss changing uses of the food or celebration in the modern world due to immigration and globalization. The paper will be minimum 4-5 pages, double-spaced, in length and must include a list of at least 4 references in APA format. The references should be publications from the library, Encyclopedias, Journals, books and Magazines/Newspapers. In-paper citations should follow the same approved format (APA). originality score of 10% or less is expected, as you will be allowed to resubmit your paper.

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