This reflection is about you. Remember that a vision statement says where a company is going and that a mission statement says what a company does and why they exist. Have you thought about that in your own life? Let’s see what you can do with this:
In paragraph one, create a vision and mission statement for yourself. You can look up corporate vision and mission statements online to see how they are usually written. Make your vision statement one sentence and your mission statement 3-6 sentences. Be sure the mission statement answers the 2 questions of why you exist and what you actually do.
In paragraph 2, list your strengths & weaknesses and also your opportunities and the threats you face. Remember that the opportunities and threats are external. Try to come up with 3-8 items for each of the 4 categories.
In paragraph 3, explain how you plan to use your strengths to take advantage of your opportunities and mitigate your threats. Then discuss how your weaknesses, if left unchecked, could hinder your opportunities or make your threats even worse. You don’t have to address each item you listed, but concentrate on the most important ones.
Please respond to at least 2 other classmates. Be encouraging and supportive in your responses, but also add substance to the conversation (i.e. don’t just say, “Great post!”).
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