- Adjust the code we did in class to pass a comma delimited string to the server you’re connected to that includes three numbers to add together separated by commas.
- This lab will involve the following new features:
- Socket network programming
- These instructions will be more bare than usual since the source code from class can be used towards this. Only the new parts to the code are mentioned.
- SocketManager
- Ask all the following of the user:
- A port to run its server on (something like 8800 or 8888)
- An IP of another server (local computer is
- NOTE: If running on two computers, to get the IP address of a computer, in a command prompt or powershell, simply type “ipconfig” and look for the IPV4 address or IPV6 – whichever comes first. It will probably look something like this:
- The port of that other server.
- After starting up the server, it should enter a never-ending loop that does the following:
- Asks the user for three numbers separated by commas. So the user would enter something like this:
- Ask all the following of the user:
- Sends that raw text to the server using the SocketClient class as we did in class.
- IMPORTANT: The items sent should be comma-delimited all concatenated as one string.
- SocketServer
- When the server receives a message from a client, it should try to parse the comma-delimited message into an array.
- HINT: Use the sReceivedMessage.split(“,”) to get a String array of the comma-delimited items.
- Then turn each array string into three int variables.
- Use Integer.parseInt() to do this on each item in the array.
- Then sum these numbers into a result.
- When the server receives a message from a client, it should try to parse the comma-delimited message into an array.
- Reply with the sum of these numbers.
- SocketClient
- This is the same as we did in class.
- TESTING YOUR CODE with two instances of your app.
- Simply look at the “Testing Your Code” section in the Project 1 document. This specifies what we did in class with the Jar file and running command line or Power Shell to run your app.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: if error says java command not recognized, see jar instructions file in canvas project 1 module, and in the “—RUNNING JAR FILE —” section at the bottom, it will explain how to fix that in Windows computer.
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