follow APA format writing style. 125 to 225 word count. (Replies are 100-175 words- with meaningful dialogue).

Sentiment (pp. 319-332):

Simply put what is Sentiment? How could a person or business greatly benefit from it?

Thinking about Sentiment Analysis and Speech Analytics…

Pick a large company, which we might know (let’s say the top 500/1000 companies). How does a savvy company find ways to better to “listen” and improve their customers experience? Add a reference link to support your findings.


Social media analytics (pp. 380-386) companies provide integrated support that is helpful to many parts of a business. List and briefly describe the best practices in social media analytics.

Social Network Analysis (pp. 373-377) can help companies divide their customers into market segments by analyzing their interconnections. Why is this important? What are some of the benefits a company can use?

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