for each answer explain why.

  1. In Chapter 9, Fire Protection Systems, in Section 901, what is the Scope of this Chapter. Write out full specific Code Section.
  2. In Chapter 9, Fire Protection Systems, in Section 901, what specific Code of section 901.4 Installation allows for a passive system to be used instead of installing a fire protection system if certain requirements are followed?Write out full specific Code Section.
  3. In Chapter 9, Fire Protection Systems, in Section 901, what specific Code section can be used to help the fire official answer this question. A building owner wants occupancy for her 7 story apartment building prior to acceptance testing. The fire pump in the basement that supplies water to the standpipes and sprinkler system is not working and the company cannot get out to service it until next week. What code section can the fire official refer to not allow Occupancy?Write out full specific Code Section.
  4. In Chapter 9, Fire Protection Systems, Code Section 901.7.4 Preplanned Impairment Programs, name 3 of the 8 sections that may have prevented the firefighter fatalities in our Case Study? Write the numbered selection and why it may have helped. If the selection was used in the case study why do you think it failed?
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