Unit II Project

For this project you will write a formal Fire Investigation Report (FIR) in a professional manner. You will identify the West

(TX) Fertilizer Plant as your fire scene, using specific data already known through any of the many published public

reports. (Again, NIST and NIOSH are valuable sources of information concerning the West (TX) Fertilizer Plant

Explosion). Your report should be organized using the following headings (centered and bold):

1. Summary of the Incident

2. Building Construction Type

3. Source of Ignition

4. Overview of facility contents, protective systems and building operations

5. Technical Data of Chemicals Involved

6. Violations of Federal, State, or Local Laws

7. Findings and Recommendations

Each of the 7 segments should be a minimum of 200 words. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced;

paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying in-text citations, and cited per APA guidelines. No plagiarism!!!

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