Part 1: Corporate governance has become a hot issue in the U.S. over the past two decades. From your analysis of the case study, determine two possible corporate governance challenges that might be faced by Best Buy as a result of its rapid growth and why they could become corporate governance issues. Make recommendations for how Best Buy can overcome these challenges. Provide specific examples to support your response The Article is Attached, I copied and paste as much as I could. You get the giff of it. *** Under 100 Words *** Please Response to Classmate below (Part 2): Two possible corporate governance challenges that mights might be faced faces by Best Buy as a result of its rapid growth is trying to compete with other companies like Amazon with their product and trying to control how the customers buys their products. Best Buy has been around longer then Amazon but doesn’t offer the same service deals. To me Best Buy products are over priced now they trying to tell you of you find and item in their store that cost less in another store they will sell it to you for that price. With Amazon they could have many vendors for one products so you can check price difference right on their website. Best buy need to revamp themselves including their prices and services to appeal to customers.
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