Watch the video and article and write an essay by following instruction.(APA FORMAT)

Here is the link of the video: Living Interracial: Warren and Sherri Crockett video from Amara with Closed Captions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Living Interracial: Hardy and Karen video from Amara with Closed Captions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Living Interracial: Laci and Anthony video from Amara with Closed Captions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Here is the link of the article:…

Here is the instruction: First, you will need to review the chapter AND choose at least TWO of the resources provided below; also feel free to share any experience(s), personal research findings you may have or personal examples/stories.

Based on chapter 5 and the resources you chose, consider and share some of the difficulties these couples and families can and do face; in particular:

  • How does being in an interracial relationship impact their couple dynamics, their children and relationships with other family members and even society? Be sure to include specific information from the resources you chose as well as chapter 5.
  • What stood out to you from the chapter and your chosen resources concerning heterogamous relationships?
    • Feel free to share from personal experience, and observations.

Below, you will need to review two of the resources of your choosing and you may also include any credible resources of your own in addition to the two you have chosen AND the textbook.

These are to provide you an understanding of some of the things that these couples and families have faced and still face

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