Part 1: Mutual Funds (20 marks) Go to GlobeFund or Morningstar and select six mutual funds, according to the following requirements: one index fund one dividend fund one global fund three equity funds in different sectors such as energy, technology, microcaps, income, etc. Prepare a table showing each funds load fees (if any), MER, and return over one, three, and five years and from inception. Identify which fund is, in your opinion, the best to invest in considering short- and long-term returns, load fees, and MERs. Explain why you picked this fund. Part 2: Investment Portfolio Review (45 marks total) Your response to Part 2 should be between 750 and 1250 words, with complete calculations shown where required. Based on the stocks of the two companies you chose in Last Assignment (Dollarama and Toronto-Dominion Bank) Preparation and worked on in Assignment, answer the following questions: Calculate the total return percentage achieved for each individual stock from the day you selected the stock to the present or most recent business day. Use the formula End Share Price Beginning Share Price + Dividends Received (if any)/Beginning Share Price. (5 marks) Annualize the percentage return for each stock; that is, calculate what your return would be if you held the stock for one year. To do this, take your returns from above, divide by the number of days the share was held, and multiply by 365. (2 marks) Calculate the annualized return for the portfolio. (Use an equal weighting for each stock.) Was your return higher or lower than the rate of inflation? (3 marks) Compare your annualized return with that of the index from which you have chosen your stocks. For example, if your stocks were chosen from the TSX, compare your return with that of the S&P/TSX Composite index over the past year. If you chose stocks from more than one index, you may have to compare one return with one index and the other return with another index. If, for example, you have one stock from the TSX, you would compare your stock average annual return with the S&P/TSX Composite index. Then, supposing the other stock you chose was traded on the NYSE, you would compare these returns with the S&P 500 index. In one paragraph, explain why each return is greater or less than the index. (10 marks) For each of your stocks, identify (in one sentence) the most significant variable that explains the performance of the stock. For example, if you held U.S. bank stock and your stock has generated a 10% loss, you might identify the U.S. housing market as the most significant variable affecting the stocks average return. (5 marks) In two paragraphs, describe the concept of return versus risk, and explain how you would use it in selecting a new investment portfolio. Explain how and why you used (or did not use) this concept when you chose your original two stocks. In your explanation, ensure that you answer the following questions: What would you do differently if you were to choose another two stocks for your portfolio? Explain your answer. (10 marks) What specific actions could you take in the future when choosing stock investments to reduce risk and increase the reward in your portfolio? (10 marks) Part 3: Learning from the Masters (35 marks total) Your response to Part 3 should be no more than 1000 words, with complete calculations shown where required. Use the lesson notes from Lesson 6 to answer the following questions. If appropriate, you may use tables to present information. Compare the investment philosophy you used to select your two stocks with that of Benjamin Graham. What would Benjamin Graham say about your stock picks? Provide a reason your choice may be different than Mr. Grahams. (10 marks) Warren Buffett does not invest in Internet companies due…
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