Final Project Milestone One: Draft of Report To complete this assignment, review the prompt and grading rubric in the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric document. When you have finished your work, submit the assignment here for grading and instructor feedback. ISE 640 Final Project Forensic Notes Use the information in this document to help you complete your final project. Drew Patrick, a director-level employee, is stealing intellectual property from a manufacturing company. The company is heavily involved in high-end development of widgets. Drew has access to corporate secrets and files. He is planning on leaving the company, taking the intellectual property with him, and going to work for a competitor. There is suspicion of him doing this, so human resources (HR) notified the information technology (IT) department to monitor Drew’s past history. An internal investigation is launched due to Drew’s abnormal behavior. The IT department confirms that they have found large files and emails. Forensics identified unauthorized access, transmission, and storage of intellectual property by Drew. Evidence found will be used to support legal civil and criminal proceedings. Scenario ACME Construction Company designs, manufactures, and sells large construction vehicles that can cost upwards of a million dollars. They spent hundreds of thousands of hours redesigning their premier excavator. Every piece that goes into the excavator is individually designed to maximize the longevity of the equipment. Known for attention to detail, high-quality work, and industry innovation, this painstaking work is what sets ACME Construction company apart and is attributed for the excellent reputation they enjoy. This, in turn, allows them to charge a premium on their exceptionally well-built products. Drew Patrick is a senior manager directly involved with the overall development of ACME’s excavators. His role provides him with access to design documentation, schematics, support documents, and any other technical references maintained in the company’s research and development (R&D) database. The R&D database is maintained by ACME’s information technology (IT) department, which is supported by a security operations center (SOC). The SOC uses Snort as a core component of their security information and event management (SIEM) system to keep tabs on network traffic, authentication requests, file access, and log file analysis. The SIEM alerted SOC personnel of potential peer-to-peer (P2P) traffic originating from the internet protocol (IP) address associated with Drew’s computer. However, analysis of Active Directory logs indicated that Drew was not logged into his account at the time the files were transferred via the P2P application. ACME enforces two-factor authentication and does not allow for computer sharing. The SOC personnel began an incident report based on the identification of P2P traffic, which violates company policy. As per company policy, the SOC personnel gave human resources (HR) and the legal team the incident report. The legal team asked for further investigation. Upon further inspection of the P2P activity, several file transfers were discovered. The files transferred match the names of files in the R&D database containing intellectual property developed by Drew’s development team. Additionally, the files were transferred to IP addresses that are not owned or controlled by ACME Corporation. Analysis of the server access logs indicated that Drew had been logging into the R&D database for several weeks prior to the external file transfers taking place. Network logs from the Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs) indicated that the files of interest had been transferred to Drew’s desktop computer prior to the external transfer. ACME has a strict policy against maintaining intellectual property anywhere other than the designated servers. File access logs on the R&D servers confirmed that the account belonging to Drew had copied the f…

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