
Provide an answer, of approximately 500 words, for each question. Provide the response to

each question directly under the question.

Provide the sources (References) at the end of each question (in proper APA citation format).

You are required to use the class text, and one ‘additional credible academic source’, in the

response to each question. You may only use each ‘additional credible academic source’

once for the entire essay.


Question 1: What is Locard’s Exchange Theory?

(Paragraph 1 of response)

(Paragraph 2 of response)

(Paragraph 3 of response)

[500-word requirement for each question]


(Class text citation)

(additional credible academic source’ citation)

* Submit the completed Final Exam to the dropbox.

Final Exam Questions:

Learning Plan 1:

Research and study a wide-spread law enforcement problem that has been previously identified

and corrected. DESCRIBE how and when the problem was discovered, the public’s opinion

about the problem, and what measures law enforcement implemented to remedy the problem.

Learning Plan 2:

You are a law enforcement officer and your chief executive has assigned you, as head of the

agency’s research, planning, and analysis unit, the task of developing a comprehensive report

containing recommendations for establishing intelligence-led policing. DEVELOP a plan, for

establishing intelligence-led policing, and incorporate the use of CompStat and PredPol.

Learning Plan 3:

You have been hired as a consultant for a local police agency to develop and facilitate an

assessment for a sergeant’s promotion examination. OUTLINE specific testing activities that

should be included (at a minimum). ANALZYE how to arrange to the have the candidates’

performance evaluated.

Learning Plan 4:

Research and SUMMARIZE three real-world examples where the financial collapse, beginning

in 2008, affected law enforcement, corrections, or the courts. PROPOSE a practical solution to

address the issue…yet with the knowledge that there is no money available to assist you.

Learning Plan 5:

SUMMARIZE the challenges for police administrators, managers, and supervisors when

handling ‘Noble Cause Corruption’. Research and SUMMARIZEtwo real-world law

enforcement examples involving Noble Cause Corruption.

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