
  1. Students are to write a (full) 2-3 page paper discussing the article “Faking It: Sex, Lies and Women’s Magazines”.
  2. The first page should include a discussion regarding your opinions and thoughts on the article you read. Be specific and use examples from what you read when responding.
  3. The second page should include examples in current Women’s magazines of the problems revealed and discussed by the various editors and writers interviewed in the article.

For example: look for examples that have the small print that says “names have been changed” in the articles you are reading. Look for exaggerated claims regarding sex and it’s impact/benefit on health and beauty. Look for quotes from “real women” that don’t sound like how a real person might speak about sex.

Make sure to tell me the magazine you found the article in. The issue you are using, the name of the column or article and its author. Give me specific details when describing the article(s) you are discussing.

The assignment must:

  • Be typed
  • Double spaced
  • 12 point font
  • New Times Roman
  • Use proper spelling and grammar
  • Use proper essay/paper format (introduction, body, conclusion)
  • I am not looking for a list on the second page…please keep your writing in formal essay format.
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