Explain the three components of a sustainable MIS infrastructure along with their business benefits.

The first component is information, having information such as your business vendor contacts or customer data base enables managers to send for feedback, review how many people are using your business and which vendors are available for your products resupply or services. Having valuable business information at your fingertips allows for faster analysis on business decisions that could help the company’s bottom line such as how many widgets will be needed for the average amount of customers you usually get. The next component is agile, having the ability to recover complex systems during a disaster can save the company millions in data and software issues, “agile approach to overcoming the unique challenges that organizations face during disaster recovery” (Baham, Hirschheim, & Calderon, 2017, p. 633). The last component is sustainable MIS which means the production, management, uses and the disposal of technology that is can be less harmful to the environment. A good example of sustainable MIS would be cloud computing which saves using paper trails and offers less actual space needed for storage of so many data records. There is also grid computing which are combined computers from various domains on a shared network that can reach a common main objective such as solutions to shipping problems or scheduling conflicts avoidance.


Baham, C., Hirschheim, R., & Calderon, A. A. (2017). An Agile Methodology for the Disaster Recovery of Information Systems Under Catastrophic Scenarios.. University Library, 34(3), 633-663. doi:10.1080/07421222.2017.1372996

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