Project Description: Let me know for reasonable price Your friend Kimo is a server at a restaurant. He downloaded data for his customers’ food and beverage purchases for the week. You will complete the workbook by applying consistent formatting across the worksheets and finalizing the weekly summary. The restaurant requires tip sharing, so you will calculate how much he will share with the beverage worker and the assistant. Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch09_Cap_Assessment_Tips.xlsx .   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename. The Excel workbook contains circular references. When you open the file, an   error message displays. This error will be resolved as part of the project The   Tip Left column in the Friday worksheet contains a fill color and number   formatting. You want to fill these formats to the other daily worksheets. Group the Friday through Monday worksheets, staring with the Friday   worksheet. Fill the format only for the range E5:E24. Now   you want to insert column totals for the five worksheets simultaneously. With the worksheets still grouped, insert SUM functions in the range B25:E25   and apply the Totals cell style. Ungroup the worksheets. The   Week worksheet is designed to be a summary sheet. You want to insert a   hyperlink to the Total heading in the Monday worksheet. On the Week worksheet, in cell A5, insert a hyperlink to cell A25 in the   Monday worksheet with the ScreenTip text Monday’s Totals . Test the hyperlink to   ensure it works correctly. In   cell A6 on the Week worksheet, insert a hyperlink to cell A25 in the Tuesday   worksheet with the ScreenTip text Tuesday’s Totals . Test the hyperlink to   ensure it works correctly. In   cell A7, insert a hyperlink to cell A25 in the Wednesday worksheet with the   ScreenTip text Wednesday’s Totals . Test the hyperlink to ensure it works   correctly. In   cell A8, insert a hyperlink to cell A25 in the Thursday worksheet with the   ScreenTip text Thursday’s Totals . Test the hyperlink to ensure it works   correctly. In   cell A9, insert a hyperlink to cell A25 in the Friday worksheet with the   ScreenTip text Friday’s Totals . Test the hyperlink to ensure it works   correctly. Now,   you are ready to insert references to cells in the individual worksheets.   First, you will insert a reference to Monday’s Food Total. In cell B5 on the Week worksheet, insert a formula with a 3-D reference to   cell B25 in the Monday worksheet. Copy the formula to the range C5:E5. The   next formula will display the totals for Tuesday. In cell B6, insert a formula with a 3-D reference to cell B25 in the Tuesday   worksheet. Copy the formula to the range C6:E6. In   cell B7, insert a formula with a 3-D reference to cell B25 in the Wednesday   worksheet. Copy the formula to the range C7:E7. In   cell B8, insert a formula with a 3-D reference to cell B25 in the Thursday   worksheet. Copy the formula to the range C8:E8. In   cell B9, insert a formula with a 3-D reference to cell B25 in the Friday   worksheet. Copy the formula to the range C9:E9. Now   you want to use a function with a 3-D reference to calculate the totals. In cell B10 on the Week worksheet, insert the SUM function with a 3-D   reference to calculate the total Food purchases (cell B25) for the five days.   Copy the function to the range C10:E10. The   servers are required to share a portion of their tips with the Beverage   Worker and Assistants. The rates are stored in another file. Open the Exp_Excel_Ch09_Cap_Assessment_Rates.xlsx workbook. Go back to the Exp_Excel_Ch09_Cap_Assessment_Tips.xlsx workbook. In cell F5 of the Week worksheet, insert a link to the Beverage   Worker Tip Rate (cell C4 in the Rates workbook) and multiply the rate by the   Monday Drinks (cell C5). Copy the formula to the range F6:F9. Next,   you will calculate the tips for the assistant. In cell G5 in the Tips workbook, insert a link to the Assistant T…

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