Attached please find a file called index.html and images called plate.jpg and map.gif. The index.html file is a modified version of the page you created for HTML Exercise 1 with some added structure. Please read through the page to make sure you understand the added structure. Divs have been added for header, wrapper, navigation, content and footer. The wrapper acts as a container for your page content. For this assignment, you’ll be creating the an external cascading style sheet called assignment.css to make it all work.
Part 1: CSS
Create a file called assignment.css. Add the following style information needed to make your pages work:
Body style: Use background color #8fb1d5 and text color black. Set the font family to verdana with fallbacks to arial and sans-serif
h1 style: use background color #d9c7b4 and text color black. Center the text.
h2 style: set the background color to white, the font size to 1.2em and give 10px of left padding and 5px of bottom padding
Create the following IDs:
#nav set text alignment to center
#content give me 25px of padding
#footer use background color #d9c7b4, text color #000000, a font size of .60em, make it italic, center it, and give 10px of padding
#wrapper set right and left margins to auto, set a width of 70% and a minimum width of 700px, give me a background color of #dce9f7 and include a box shadow color #828282 with 5px
Create classes to float images right or left called:
Part 2: Page Modifications
Modify index.html page to include the attached image plate.jpg. Please this image below the “Welcome to Fresh Cafe!” heading. Use a width of 333 and a height of 156. Include alt text. Float the image to the right, including 20px bottom padding.
Modify the location.html page to include a map image. Don’t forget the alt text. Float the map to the left of your directions. Provide padding so your directions don’t touch the edge of the map. Add the necessary page structure (divs and link to CSS file) to match the index.html page.
Modify the menu.html page adding the necessary page structure (divs and link to css file) to match the index.html page.
Part 3: HTML and CSS Validation
Your pages should validate without errors using the w3c HTML validator at
Your assignment.css should validate without errors using the w3c CSS validatior at:
How to do this:
Publish your pages to Nova. Go to the w3c HTML validator and paste in the URL to your index.html page. Click the Check button. If there are errors, fix them. If there are no errors, copy the URL of the results page and place a link to that at the bottom of the web page. Repeat the process for your other pages. Next go to the W3c CSS validator. Provide the path to assignment.css. If your page validates without errors, you’ll be given an embed code to add the CSS Valid icon to your pages.
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