Review Group Problems G-11-1: Exchange Rate Effect on Industry and G11-2: Exchange Rate Effects on Your Firm, located at the end of Chapter 11 in Managerial Economics: A Problem-Solving Approach.

Select one problem that relates to you and your current position in the work environment.

-Complete your response in 750-1,000 words. Please support your response with personal experiences or examples.

Group Problems G11- 1 Using shifts in supply and demand curves, describe how a change in the exchange rate affected your industry. Label the axes, and state the geographic, product, and time dimensions of the demand and supply curves you are drawing. Explain what happened to industry price and quantity by making specific references to the demand and supply curves. How can you profit from future shifts in the exchange rate? How do you predict future changes in the exchange rate?

Group Problems G11-2 Describe how a change in the exchange rate affected your firm. Explain what happened to your price and quantity. How can you profit from future shifts in the exchange rate? How do you predict the future changes in the exchange rate?

I work as consumer care specialist for Rubbermaid under Newell Brands

Please use APA, do not use/reuse old papers. cite sources


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