The paper should illustrate an ethical problem or dilemma that should be resolved. The problem can be from your personal or professional experience, and should be a problem with which you have familiarity. Names, dates and places can be modified to protect confidentiality, if needed. Your objective is to present a thorough analysis that demonstrates your understanding of facts relevant to the issue and the ethical issues involved. You must arrive at an ethical solution and demonstrate the reasons that support your conclusion. You should identify aspects of the dilemma that constitute deontological, teleological, natural law, consequentialism, and any other systems of ethical reasoning. You should also identify any ethics codes or other behavior guidelines that entered into your decision.

You might consider answering all or some of these questions as you structure your paper:

  • Why is it important to choose an ethical course of action? What will happen if no action is taken?
  • What is the most important information and facts that we need to know in order to decide this issue? What evidence exists to support the information?
  • Who are the people or institutions that have a stake in this outcome of this issue, and how will they be affected by the decision?
  • What duties or obligations would someone need to fulfill in order to behave ethically in this situation? Is there a conflict among these duties?
  • What will the consequences for all interested parties if one course of action is chosen rather than another? Which course of action will produce “the greater good?” Which course of action represents absolute values?
  • What do you believe is the proper resolution of this issue? Will this result in the rights of certain persons or institutions being suppressed in favor of the rights of others? Why is that necessary and justifiable in order to resolve the issue?
  • What could have been done to avoid this situation? How can it be avoided in the future?
  • The Paper shall include page numbers, headings, proper spacing, APA formatting (double spaced, and MAKE SURE TO NUMBER THE PAGES and include a running head left justified all in caps throughout the paper). Formatting should be one inch margins with Times New Roman (or similar) 12 point font. The Paper Should be at least 8 pages. References should be placed at the conclusion of the paper and are not considered part of the content.

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