For this activity, you will research one current event (in print, video, or any other type of media) that covers a specific ethical and financial international business topic. Your selected event should have occurred within the past three years. For this activity, you will: Conduct a web search for a current event related to an ethical and financial topic affecting an international business. Discuss what you uncovered about this event that made it relevant to the topic of ethical and financial business. Would you consider this event to be a common situation in management? Why or why not? How did the ethical and financial topic specifically affect international business? Explain. Discuss how what you found is similar or different to what was covered in our module notes, readings, and videos. Things to Remember! Your paper should be two to three pages in length (not including title and reference pages). Your paper should be double spaced, with one-inch margins, with in-text citations and references for all resources following proper APA formatting.

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