We strongly recommend that you compose your essay in a text editor (such as Microsoft Word, TextEdit, or Notepad), then paste the text into the Essay field on this page. If you lose internet connectivity or encounter a system error, this will allow you to manually submit your essay via email rather than starting over. You will only need to submit one essay.

You will only need to submit one essay. Your Essay Response Should:

  • Be 200-800 words in length
  • Contain organized, balanced paragraphs
  • Be free from grammatical errors
  • Demonstrate and develop ideas and relevant concepts

Essay Question

Many people have argued that the skills needed to be successful in today’s workforce have changed. What skills do you feel an individual needs to be successful in a job today? Why do you feel these skills are most important? In an essay to be read by a teacher, identify the skills you feel are most needed by an individual to be successful at work and provide reasons to persuade your teacher that these are the most critical skills for success.

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