Reading required to complete this second essay assignment:

  • Jean Anyon’s “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work”
  • Mike Rose’s “I Just Wanna Be Average”
  • Website:

Rereading America in Password: EXO5201314luhan

The Essay Prompt
Is Anyon right to claim that a school’s socio-economic class determines the type of instruction students receive? I want you to find out by analyzing and discussing Mike Rose’s experiences with teachers described in “I Just Wanna Be Average” and your own school experiences with at least two instructors you have had. In this essay, you will analyze these teachers using Anyon’s categories as explained in “The Hidden Curriculum.” What does your analysis uncover? Your thesis statement should explicitly answer the question I’ve highlighted above.

Read and re-read “I Just Wanna Be Average” by Mike Rose. Then think about how his educational experiences confirm but also challenge Anyon’s ideas. Consider this: What was the socio-economic status of Mike Rose’s high school? Do all the teaching styles of Rose’s instructors exemplify one particular economic class of school Anyon describes in her essay? Do the same with your educational experiences–where was your school located? Was there a teacher in your experience with a working class approach? A middle class or affluent professional or executive elite approach?

Clear thesis as last sentence of first paragraph

  • Clear thesis as last sentence of first paragraph
  • Follow paragraph outline given in the module
  • Subsequent paragraphs must open with topic sentences
  • Follow template for introductory paragraph
  • Follow template for body paragraphs
  • Cite sufficient evidence from both texts
  • Cite relevant community details where your high school was located from (Links to an external site.) (median income, types of occupations, etc.)
  • Use a formal academic tone
  • Adhere to MLA style/conventions for format, in text citations and works cited page (Review The Pocket Style Manual.)
  • Length: 5-7 pages long; attach a list of Works Cited
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