the book name is: American Indian Intellectual Tradition Author: Martinez ISBN: 9780801476549

please download the book filed I attached to answer all 3 questions
Do not write the questions on the essay

Essay Assignment #2

Format: 2½–3 pages, 1” margins, double-spaced, 10-12 pt font. Please do not add a cover sheet. Simply include your name, course number (AIS 320), and Essay 2 at the top of the page (either centered or adjusted left).

Also, no secondary sources are required. You need only refer to the reading assignments (andlectures, when appropriate). However, whenever you cite or quote from your textbook, The American Indian Intellectual Tradition, please state the page number in parentheses at the end of your citation or quotation. For example, “William Apess brings up the issue of a disputed deed to Marshpee land, which he makes the central part of his argument to the Massachusetts General Court that the state is responsible for redressing the Marshpee’s grievance against Phineas Fish (64-65).” Furthermore, whenever making a direct quote from the book, quotations should be brief, a sentence or two at a time. Please avoid using lengthy block quotes.

Instructions: Making references to the authors read in Part 2 of your textbook, The American Indian Intellectual Tradition, namely La Flesche, Johnson, Winnemucca, Kellogg, Coolidge, Wheelock, Roe Cloud, Parker, Montezuma, Eastman, and Zitkala-Sa, Answer he following questions:

1. How did La Flesche, Winnemucca, and Montezuma each describe how Indians on the reservations were treated by the Indian Bureau? Be succinct, complete with example(s) from your textbook.

2. Referring to any two of the writers named in the above instructions, how did these Indian rights advocates think that US citizenship was a necessary step at redressing the so-called Indian Problem? In other words, why they did think this was a good idea for Indians?

3. Referring to any two of the writers named in the above instructions, what examples were given as evidence that Indians were fully capable of succeeding alongside their white peers in modern American society? Again, be succinct, complete with example(s) from your textbook.

(NB: When answering the above questions, it is important that you do not simply reference the same readings in each answer. Mix it up a bit.)

Below are the exact readings assignments we will be examining and discussing on the essay

TUES 9/10: The American Indian Intellectual Tradition, Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins, “Life among the Piutes,” 121-137.

TUES 9/17: The American Indian Intellectual Tradition, Laura Cornelius Kellogg, “Industrial Organization for the Indian” and “The Lolomi Program of Self-Governance,” 156-180.

TUES 9/24: The American Indian Intellectual Tradition, Sherman Coolidge, “The Indian American,” 181-185; Dennis Wheelock, “Not an Indian Problem but a Problem of Race Separation,” 186-191; Henry Roe Cloud, “Education of the American Indian,” 192-197.

THURS 9/26: The American Indian Intellectual Tradition, Arthur C Parker, “The Legal Status of the American Indian,” 198-202; Carlos Montezuma, “Let My People Go,” 203-212.

TUES 10/1: The American Indian Intellectual Tradition, Charles A Eastman, “The Indian as a Citizen,” 213-221; Zitkala-Sa, “Americanize the First American,” 222-224.

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