Communities across the United States face environmental issues. In this assignment you identify an environmental issue related to your community, consider related problems, and identify potential solutions. This assignment will familiarize you with basic environmental and sustainability concepts of environmental science.

Resources: APA Title Page Template and the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s website

Navigate to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s website.

Enter your zip code to view the environmental issues confronting your community.

Scroll down to My Environmental Reports. If the reports are insufficient, you may search your own state’s department of environmental protection or department of environmental quality, (state agency names may vary but are easily accessible through an Internet search).

Choose an environmental report about an issue in your state or community.

Complete the APA Title Page Template and then insert additional blank page(s) to add in the content for this assignment submission.

Include a response of at least 75 words to each of the following:

  • What is the environmental issue that you picked and its causes? Why is this an environmental sustainability issue?
  • What ethical considerations pertain to this issue?
  • What environmental regulations relate to this issue? Has the government imposed regulations to address the issue, or is this an unregulated issue?
  • What solutions would you propose to address the issue?

Format your responses according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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