Create a VBScript script (w3_firstname_lastname.vbs) that takes one parameter (folder name) to do the following
1)List all files names, size, date created in the given folder
2)Parameter = Root Folder name
The script should check and validate the folder name
3)Optionally, you can save the list into a file “Results.txt” using the redirection operator or by creating the file in the script.
4) Make sure to include comment block (flowerbox) in your code.
5) Sample run:-
C:entd261>cscript.exe w3_sammy_abaza.vbs “c:entd261” >results.txt
Submit your week 3 work in w3_firstname_lastname.txt (Please save the file as a text file and upload the text file here for final review.)
Requirements |
Points |
Comment block (flowerbox) with Instructions on how to run the code with examples. |
20 |
Code documentation and comments. |
10 |
Assignment code including creating command line parameter |
70 |
100 |
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