Research and Citation Exercise


Support each of the major claims listed below with researched material collected from at least one source (no more than two sources) for each answer. You may use credible online sources or library resources to respond to each claim. Write one paragraph, with a minimum of three minor supporting sentences, to support each major claim. Use the major claimas the paragraph’s topic sentence; then, support the claim with a combination of direct quotes, paraphrased material, and your own ideas.


Example:The following paragraph (“answer”) illustrates how you should complete this exercise.

Major Claim: Illegal immigrant workers should be granted legal status.


(1 – MC)Illegal immigrant workers should be granted legal status.(2 – MSC) In “Illegal Workers Should be Granted Legal Status,” George Bush states that the main reason America became a powerful nation in the twentieth century is because it welcomed the talent, power, and patriotism of immigrant families (554). (3 – MSC) Because we are a nation founded and inspired by immigrants, we should acknowledge the contributions made by working immigrants who contribute to our economy by accepting them as part of our country instead of pushing them out. (4 – MSC) Bush writes, “Out of common sense and fairness, our laws should allow willing workers to enter our country and fill jobs that Americans are not filling. We must make our immigration laws more rational, and more humane” (Connelly 556).

Bush, George. “Illegal Immigrant Workers Should be Granted Legal Status.” The Sundance

Reader. Fifth Edition. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2009. 554-59.

[MC = Major Claim; MSC = Minor Supporting Claim]


In the answer provided above, (2) is paraphrased support; (3) is my own ideas; and (4) is a direct quote. You must provide each kind of support (three in total) to successfully answer each major claim question. To complete this assignment, you must produce a one paragraph answer for each of the three major claims listed below. After each paragraph, cite your sources as you would in a “Works Cited” page (as exhibited in the example above).

1. Major Claim: Affirmative Action perpetuates racism.

2. Major Claim: Condoms should be distributed in public schools as a way to prevent teenage pregnancy.

3. Major Claim: The legal driving age should be raised to eighteen-years-old.

Note: You must support each claim, despite your real opinion on the issue.


Answer the following questions using library or online sources. Respond to each question with one or two complete, correctsentences. Document your sources using MLA documentation guidelines. Reference the Works Cited document located in Week 5’s Assignment instructions to complete questions 1-10.

1. Who was president of the United States when the Federal Reserve was created?



2. What amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave women the right to vote, and in what year?



3. What is the origin of the word “boycott”?



4. Who coined the term “pandemonium,” and in what famous literary work?



5. Who won the Academy Award for best actor in 1982, and for what film?



6. What famous twentieth century American author wrote The Old Man and the Sea?



7. What is the name of the nearest major galaxy to our own Milky Way galaxy?



8. When did the famous English poet and playwright William Shakespeare live?



9. What large library existed in ancient Egypt?



10. What city hosted the first ever Winter Olympics, and in what year?



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