Prior to conducting any investigation, participants must take certain steps to ensure the safety of the operating environment. Safety considerations fall into three general categories: people, property and environment, and evidence handling. They can range from weather-related issues to verbal or physical threats from the subjects under investigation. Investigations may occur off hours or at night, which raises the possibility that the investigator might be mistaken for a criminal. A forensic investigator constructs a safety and investigation plan specific to each investigation, and this plan will address all foreseeable situations that could jeopardize the investigation or its participants.

Once a safety and investigation plan has been developed, the investigation can begin. This project will focus on Guidance Software’s EnCase. EnCase is the most widely used commercial digital forensic tool available today. It is an integrated tool used in many types of computer and server investigations. EnCase is extensible with advanced scripting capability and a growing number of third-party modules. It is critical for today’s digital forensic investigators to be familiar with its processing and analytic capabilities. This project will utilize EnCase in a typical investigation scenario in which it generates forensic examination reports from a few different situations. (As you proceed through this course, you will encounter references to a wide variety of digital forensics tools—far beyond Encase. We have provided a list of these tools to help you access them when you need them.)

The final assignment in this project will include a safety and investigation plan, as well as reports that employ the EnCase report template (PDF format). to answer the questions noted in the steps. The bookmark and report features of EnCase are emphasized. The result will be reports that include case overviews and explanations of the processing and analysis experience.

Mr. Santini’s first request was for a safety plan. Are you ready to get started?

When you submit your project, your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below. You can use the list below to self-check your work before submission.

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