1. California enacted a law in 2011 allowing mental health practitioners to treat minors (12 years or older) if: 2. Generally, the best way to proceed when you have concerns about the behavior of a colleague is to: 3. The intent of a(n) ___________ is to define boundaries and clarify the nature of the basic counseling relationship between the counselor and the client. 4. In regards to unethical behavior of colleagues, the National Association of Social Workers states: 5. Joyce was hospitalized as a result of an attempted suicide. She tried to call her therapist before taking an overdose of pills, but he could not be reached because he was on vacation and did not make provisions for a replacement therapist while he was gone. This action constitutes the following type of professional negligence: 6. The definition of a minor varies from state to state; however: 7. __________________ is/are not reserved exclusively for the irresponsible practitioner. Clients may make allegations of unethical conduct or file a legal claim due to negligence, even though the counselor may have acted ethically and appropriately. 8. In the event that a practitioner is sued, he or she should: 9. Informed consent generally implies that the person: 10. ___________ should include a record of client and therapist behavior that is clinically relevant, including interventions used, client responses to treatment strategies, the evolving treatment plan, and any follow-up measures taken. 11. Written consent forms should NOT include: 12. Samuel has been planning a two week vacation to Europe for months. He is a private practitioner and has a caseload of clients who have dependency issues. As an ethical practitioner, Samuel should: 13. ___________ are essentially the same as psychotherapy notes. They address the client’s transference reactions and the therapist’s subjective impressions of the client. 14. _______________ is the practice of focusing on the identification, evaluation, and treatment of problems that may injure clients and lead to filing an ethics complaint or a malpractice action. 15. Disclosures should be given in: 16. Concerning counseling via the Internet, which statement is most accurate? 17. Records are: 18. Inappropriate socialization with clients, burdening clients with a counselor’s personal problems, and putting clients in awkward business situations are examples of: 19. Which of the following would NOT be found in managed care contracts? 20. Which of the following is NOT a professional association’s ethical codes or guidelines in regards to technology and online counseling?

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