3 to PhD

The following is an excerpt from Concordia University’s web page, 3 to PhD: The Power of Possibilities (Concordia University, n.d.-b).

Imagine going to class each week not in a lecture hall, but in an elementary school classroom. Or health clinic. Or food pantry. Or maker space. That’s the idea behind
3 to PhD® —an integrated, immersive learning partnership between Concordia University, Portland Public Schools’ Faubion School, Trillium Family Services, basics (formerly Pacific Foods), and Kaiser Permanente—a partnership designed to close the opportunity gap and ensure that every child can fulfill their potential. The collective vision, years in the making, is for a safer, healthier, and better educated community—something that can be replicated anywhere in the nation and beyond.

The home of this groundbreaking new model is a three-story, 138,000 square foot 3 to PhD facility, serving up to 800 pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade students and home to Concordia’s College of Education, students, faculty, and staff. From day one, Concordia students from every degree program will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in their field while making an appreciable difference in the lives of Faubion students and families. At Concordia, our mission as a Christian university is to prepare leaders for the transformation of society. The 3 to PhD initiative is our mission in action—working collaboratively to strengthen the community from the ground up.

Review the following:

In chapter 5 of your textbook, Critical Issues in Education: Dialogues and Dialectics, Nelson, Palonsky, and McCarthy (2013) discuss the balance of the freedom of religious expression and the separation of church and state.

Write a 2- to-3-paragraph reflection using the information from the online resources and your textbook to answer the following questions:

Part 1

  • What do you see in this partnership that is innovative?
  • What pieces of this partnership could be replicated in your community? Why and how?
  • How would you respond to people who are concerned about the “separation of church and state” issue?

Part 2

The U.S. Department of Education has issued guidelines for religious expression in public schools. What guidelines do you think are required between the two entities as part of this partnership?

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.


Concordia University. (n.d.-a). 3 to PhD: A safer, healthier, more educated community. Retrieved from http://www.cu-portland.edu/sites/default/files/pdf…

Concordia University. (n.d-b.). 3 to PhD: The power of possibilities. Retrieved from http://www.cu-portland.edu/3-phd-power-possibiliti…

Concordia University. (n.d.-c). Public-private partnership creates new 3 to PhD model. Retrieved from http://www.cu-portland.edu/sites/default/files/pdf…

Concordia Portland. (2017, September 14). 3 to PhD – Concordia Faubion grand opening – Aug 29 2017 [Video file]. Retrieved from

Harrington, J. (2018, January 10). Faubion School joins Concordia University campus [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.kgw.com/article/life/people/joeys-journ…

Nelson, J. L., Palonsky, S. B., & McCarthy, M. R. (2013). Critical issues in education: Dialogues and dialectics (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

  • Issues in Education

    Welcome to a course that will pique your curiosity, challenge your assumptions, and perhaps impact your worldview. In this course, you will examine educational topics from opposite ends of the pro/con continuum. In addition to reflecting on your personal and professional education stances, you will also analyze empirical data to evaluate the accuracy of inferences (arguments) made in the text and by peers in class.Daggett and Kruse (1997) say, “Teaching does not assure learning. The processes are separate and, fortunately for constituents committed to educational improvement, are capable of being implemented independently of each other” (p. 3). It is important to refer to this assertion as you investigate both sides of an educational issue. Furthermore, when making arguments about issues, one must be mindful that it is not the evidence, but the interpretation of the evidence that is subject to inaccuracy. For example, “Refer to student test scores and dropout rates” (Daggett & Kruse, 1997, p. 3).Koonce (2018), the editor of Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Education Issues, asserts that educational practices are primarily tradition bound. Moving forward in this class, each issue discussed is an opportunity to sharpen the instruments needed to be responsible consumers of educational information. As noted by Koonce (2018), there are many lenses under which an argument can be examined (e.g., historical, a viewpoint of reference, philosophical, or political). One should consider all contexts of an argument before evaluating it in an effort not to over represent or over generalize one’s own argument.That said, you are left with the abiding questions: What is an “educated” person? What should be the primary purpose of organized education? Who should control the decisions influencing the educational process? Should the schools follow society or lead it toward change? Should schooling be compulsory? (Daggett & Kruse, 1997). As you explore the content and issues addressed in this course, keep in mind opinions are arguments. Arguments are not necessarily right or wrong, but good arguments must be well supported by sound evidence.The twentieth-century British philosopher Stephen Toulmin noticed that good, realistic arguments typically consist of six parts. He used the following terms to describe the parts:

    • Data: The facts or evidence used to prove the argument
    • Claim: The statement being argued (a thesis)
    • Warrants: The general, hypothetical (and often implicit) logical statements that serve as bridges between the claim and the data
    • Qualifiers: Statements that limit the strength of the argument or statements that propose the conditions under which the argument is true
    • Rebuttals: Counter-arguments or statements indicating circumstances when the general argument does not hold true
    • Backing: Statements that serve to support the warrants (e.g., arguments that don’t necessarily prove the main point being argued, but which do prove the warrants are true)

    As you consider the arguments presented in the readings this week, keep in mind that whatever curriculum or school experience is offered, educators must be accountable to public stakeholders. Schools can no longer be “black boxes” into which children enter, no one knows what goes on there, and then the children come out educated. As such, consider what is feasible for schools. Are the authors of the text portraying ideal education rather than realistic?


    Daggett, W. R., & Kruse, B. (1997). Education is not a spectator sport. Schenectady, NY: Leadership Press.Koonce, G. L. (Ed.). (2018). Taking sides: Clashing views on educational issues (19th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

    Weekly Objectives

    Through participation in the following activities, the candidate will:

    • Find, summarize, and evaluate current educational data by identifying threats to the validity of inferences made from outcome measures used as support for educational arguments. (6l)
      • Gender Equity: Eliminating Discrimination or Accommodating Difference
    • Evaluate educational arguments using published literature, political documents in the media, and public curriculum standards. (9c)
      • 3 to PhD
      • Whose Interest Should Schools Serve?
      • Gender Equity: Eliminating Discrimination or Accommodating Difference
    • Find, summarize, and evaluate current educational research relating to current issues and trends in education. (9n)
      • 3 to PhD
      • Whose Interest Should Schools Serve?
      • Gender Equity: Eliminating Discrimination or Accommodating Difference
    • React to a number of relevant contemporary educational issues. (9n)
      • Introductions
      • Check-In
      • Whose Interest Should Schools Serve?
      • Gender Equity: Eliminating Discrimination or Accommodating Difference
    • Engage in a personal reflection of the importance of educational stakeholder groups (e.g., school boards, unions, and testing companies) and their impact on teachers and the classroom. (9c, 9k)
      • Introductions
      • Check-In
    • Identify issues in the workplace similar to course content and evaluate the issue within the context of course information presented. (9h)
      • Whose Interest Should Schools Serve?
      • Gender Equity: Eliminating Discrimination or Accommodating Difference

  • Item

    Recommended Studies

    This resource is provided to enhance your overall learning experience. For a deeper understanding of the weekly concepts, review this optional resource.Vedantam, S., Cohen, R., Boyle, T., & Vargas-Restrepo, C. (2018, November 12). Zipcode destiny: The persistent power of place and education [Audio file]. NPR. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2018/11/12/666993130/zipcode-d… [Transcript]

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