Part I
In the first part of your proposal you describe in a few lines the topic you want to work on.You must state the economic question you are after. Be as specific as you can.A vague question will signal to me that you actually have not made up your mind about your research topic.You must also state the government policies that are related to your proposed work.
Part II
For two of your articles/papers, provide a summary, in bullet-form, covering the following eight items:
- a complete citation and a web link.
- justify how the paper/article meets the criteria described in sections II.2.1, II.2.2 and II.2.3 above
- the economic question being investigated in the paper/article
- briefly explain how the paper/article directly relates to your research topic
- specific economic policy(ies) that directly relates to the paper/article
- the data [sources, periods, countries/provinces/states covered, type (observational, experimental)]
- method of analysis used (if multivariate regression, tell me what is the dependent variable and what are the independent variables)
- the paper/article’s main conclusions
Part III
For the other paper/article you plan to review please do the following:
- provide a complete citation and a web link.
- justify how the paper/article meets the criteria described in sections II.2.1, II.2.2 and II.2.3 above.
- briefly explain how the paper/article directly relates to your research topic.
Final note: All of your 3 key papers/articles must meet all of the criteria in sections II.2.1, II.2.2 and II.2.3.If your review includes more than 3 papers/articles, then the extra papers/articles must meet the criterion in II.2.1 but not necessarily those in II.2.2 and II.2.3
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