Watch the Netflix film American Factory, and answer the following questions:

a. What is the very first scene of the movie? Did that scene surprise you, and why? Later, are

there any scenes that occur in China that surprise you, and why?

b. In the middle of the movie, a new Chinese manager starts at the plant. What personal story

does he tell about himself as one reason for him to be the manager?

c. What hourly wages were paid to the workers in the General Motors plant before it closed?

What wages are paid to workers in the Fuyao Glass America plant when it first opens? Later,

by how much do wages increase? What reason does the boss give for the increase in the

wage? What is another reason (that is not said) for the increase in the wage?

d. During the movie, a person is escorted out of the plant for walking through with a sign to

promote a workers union. When he is interviewed outside, he says “Sometimes, you gotta be

Sally Field”. What is he talking about? [Hint: look this up on Google.]

e. About how many Chinese workers and how many American workers are employed in the plant

in 2018?

f. Is the Fuyao Glass America plant profitable in the first year that it opened? Is the plant

profitable in 2018? Why did this change occur?

g. Is there any American worker or manager that you admire in the movie, and why?

h. Is there any Chinese worker or manager that you admire in the movie, and why?

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