Kinzer Introduction pp1-15 ( please check if you can get it as a pdf online )

Ch 1 pp 19-30

Ch 2 pp 29-58

^ Kinzer, Stephen. Reset. Iran, Turkey, and America’s Future. Holt & Co (2010)

Other Readings online or Canvas-Module-Geopolitics

Klaus Dodds, M. Kuus & J. Sharp Introduction: Geopolitics and its Critics pp. 1-4 ( attached it)

Alexander Dugin Geopolitics Part I: pp 1-14


Klaus Dodds Geopolitics: A Very Short Introduction – watch the first 20 min.(of the 59 min)

CaspainReport Geopolitical analysis for 2019: Middle East (11 min.)

Written Blog Post #5 is due by midnight the day before the class meets

For this week you are reading about Turkey and Iran. Please answer the following questions critically:

  • How would you define geopolitics? Does it differ from the given readings? Search for additional information, a TED talk for ex. that covers geopolitics of the Middle East.
  • Why is Kinzer stressing the importance of history? Do you agree or have a different view?
  • How does Kinzer set up his argument about the relations between the US and Iran?


  • Kinzer’s book was published in 2010. What has changed in 2019?
  • How do Kinzer’s reflections of Turkey’s and Iran’s relations with the US differ from present reality? What has changed?
  • What is the current political climate in Iran and Turkey? Look for current news from at least four sources.
  • Kinzer talks about Saudi Arabia and the US in the Introduction. What has changed?
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