Discussion Topic 2 Post due October 6, Replies due October 13
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Post due on Sunday October 6,
1. Find images/objects of a variety of mediums/methods/medias in your daily life. Not from the internet. You must take photographs of the actual images/objects.
2. You must indicate in your description the Mediums and
Methods/Medias from the list below:
Mediums: Drawing, Painting, Printmaking, Carving, Modeling, Assembling
Methods and Medias: kinetic, relief
After you have collected at least 18 examples, make a visual diary (tile images) of all you have found. Include this visual diary as a series of a few Instagram layout “pictures”. Please describe the Mediums or Methods and Medias that you are identifying.
3. Each “tiled image” should have a few photos, that are all describing the same visual element. Don’t have Instagram, that’s ok- you can do this on a Google Slide and then upload the pdf version of the slide image.
Use the same layout method from Discussion Topic #1.
Replies due on Sunday October 13
Provide up to 2 replies to other students.
Please do not upload a file of any sort; instead include/embed your images directly into the text of your assignment.
(I need everything to be done in your own. Nothing from the internet please!)
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