Please answer the following lecture questions (please include the question verbiage in your response). The paper does not need to be written in a report formatting but rather a Question and then answer formatting. Citations and References will need to be included.

  1. What is Fundamental Attribution Error? What are three common mistakes (aka cognitive distortions) made when receiving and responding to messages, as identified by Beck (1995), that are associated with Fundamental Attribution Error? (Note that these are different than Groupthink, overconfidence, etc.). For one of the three, give an example.
  2. Describe the Functional Model of Decision Making. Pick two of the steps in the decision-making process and describe how leaving them out might negatively affect a decision.
  3. Give a personal or historical example of a decision-making process gone wrong. Use your knowledge of either the Functional Model of Decision Making or the Ladder of Inference, as well as your knowledge of common decision-making problems.
  4. What are the four types of creativity? List and define them. Given an example of how two of the four could be used in a team situation.
  5. What are the four characteristics of creative people? What are two social contexts that can contribute to the development of creative people? How might a social context negatively affect a person’s creativity?
  6. Describe four characteristics of successful brainstorming, and give an example of one of these characteristics. What are three challenges to effective brainstorming? Give an example of a challenge.
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