Week 3 Discussion – Using Postural Feedback

• LO 03.02 – Discuss the use of postural feedback to increase confidence
Nonverbal cues conveyed through body language can send messages we do not intend to send. Especially when speaking publicly, it is important to control body language so as to convey messages assertively and confidently. These skills are important not only on the job, but during job interviews. When you present yourself in a positive manner with controlled assertive body language others will notice and see you as a professional because you act like a professional. This can only contribute to and help you in your success.

Even the most compelling presentations or speeches can be undermined by poor body language. Without meaning to, we can convey to others that we feel nervous, less confident, or uncomfortable by subtle behaviors. Our posture is one way we communicate messages without speaking. Slumping suggests that someone might not be fully present, while standing rigidly conveys that a person is not at ease. In Western countries, eye contact conveys actively participating in a conversation and avoidance of such is seen as meek or timid. The tone, inflection, and volume of our voice all provide nonverbal clues to our intent and mood. Getting around these habits can take some personal navigating and knowing just how these actions can be received is a big step toward conquering them.
One of the most key times that our nonverbal behaviors can make or break us is during job interviews. Ideally, we would like to appear poised, give well thought out answers, and not be caught like a deer in headlights when asked challenging questions by a potential employer. Having too much confidence or poise could send the message that a candidate is arrogant or aloof, but a candidate who is withdrawn or distant may convey an inability to confidently execute the responsibilities of the position.
Behavioral psychologist Amy Cuddy is well-known for her research on postural feedback.
Watch the first part (from 0:00 to the 10:06 minute mark) of this informative TED Talk where Cuddy describes her experience studying body language in graduate school at Harvard:
Amy Cuddy: Your body language may shape who you are (Links to an external site.) (10:06 min)
From the first segment of this video we learn a few things about nonverbals (or body language) and how they influence others and even ourselves. Cuddy states that, “We make sweeping judgements and inferences from body language. Those judgements can predict really meaningful life outcomes like who we hire or promote to who we ask out on a date.” She also explains that not only are others influenced by our body language but we are also influenced by our own nonverbal communication. If we make a power stance such as standing or sitting spread out then we start to feel powerful even if we didn’t feel that way to begin with.
Continue watching the video of Amy Cuddy concerning body language. Begin at the 10:06 minute mark and watch until the end. In the second half of the video you will hear about a study of power poses and also about being able to utilize proper power poses to achieve your goals.
Amy Cuddy: Your body language may shape who you are (Links to an external site.) (10:48 min)
As Cuddy explains, we often fall into habits of poor nonverbal behavior without being immediately aware. She tells her audience about a study done where they had individuals perform either a high power pose or low power pose for two minutes. The outcome of each type of power pose was significant to which type of pose they were performing. The brain had either become assertive, confident, and comfortable OR stress-reactive and experiencing a feeling of being shut-down. She encourages people to identify social threat situations in their lives such as giving a sales pitch or going into a job interview and then engaging in a power pose prior to going into that situation. This will enable your brain and body to deal positively with the social threat at hand. Lastly, Cuddy discusses the concept of “fake it until you make it”. She would rather people use the term, “fake it until you become it” and that they make tiny tweaks to help themselves move on to big changes in their lives.
One strategy of preparing your own body language is to utilize feedback for improving technique. The most basic way to receive feedback on your speaking is to practice speaking in front of a mirror, in front of a peer, or even in front of a video recorder in order to review performance and improve nonverbal cues. Feedback about our posture, or slight habits that we notice in ourselves can come to light when we rehearse and thus factor into making us better speakers.
Imagine that you are in the role of hiring manager with two candidates to interview – one whose body language suggests confidence, and one whose body language suggests uncertainty. Describe the behaviors you would observe of each and explain any advice you would offer to both. Keep in mind that exhibiting confidence does not always produce a positive outcome. Be sure to explain why you would offer the advice you choose.
For your citation, you might use articles that show examples of good and bad body language in job candidates. You can also find articles from experts that suggest ways to offer advice on behaviors and body language to job candidates.
Your initial and reply posts should work to develop a group understanding of this topic. Challenge each other. Build on each other. Always be respectful but discuss this and figure it out together.
Per the Due Dates and Participation Requirements for this course, you must submit 1 main post of 150+ words, 1 IWG citation, and reference, as well as 2 follow-up posts of 50+ words. Responses can be addressed to both your initial thread and other threads but must be your own words (no copy and paste), each reply unique (no repeating something you already said), and substantial in nature. Remember that part of the discussion grade is submitting on time (20%) and using proper grammar, spelling, etc. (20% per post).
Remember that part of the discussion grade is submitting on time and using proper grammar, spelling, etc. You’re training to be a professional—write like it.
First reply:
Suezanna Barajas
Your posture is an important part of any presentation. Your objective is to be comfortable and show authority (Burke, 2018). Slumping is a warning. It demonstrates an absence of self-assurance and regard for questioners. You’ll unquestionably need applicants who care enough to sit up straight during their meeting. It’s not what you state, it’s the means by which you state it. Our stance, motions, developments or outward appearances can shape our notorieties. Non-verbal communication matters, particularly in meetings. In a 2012 TED speech, the social psychologist Amy Cuddy, underlined non-verbal communication’s significance in molding how we feel, as well. Embracing an overwhelming posture makes individuals feel all the more dominant. Non-verbal communication is for sure a helpful instrument. When you need to come to a meaningful conclusion, arm signals help you paint an image and get individuals to tune in. Furthermore, when you need to rule a talk, an open stance can be a solid partner. Be that as it may, when deciphering other individuals’ non-verbal communication, things get confused. Nobody can peruse minds. In the event that an occupation competitor flickers regularly, we can accept that they’re excessively apprehensive. However, how would we realize that their contact focal points aren’t getting dry? The key is to abstain from making a hasty judgment. Figuring out how to peruse meeting non-verbal communication is tied in with understanding applicants’ thought processes. Sitting on a seat’s edge and inclining forward is normally positive non-verbal communication. It demonstrates that competitors are enthusiastic and intrigued by what’s being said. In any case, if an up-and-comer meddles in your own space by coming excessively close, it is anything but a decent sign. Reclining is generally negative. On the off chance that you see a competitor reclining all of a sudden, they might get guarded. Shoulder developments help individuals impart their feelings.
Burke, C. (2018). Public Speaking Tips . Retrieved from art of communicating the power of you: https://www.artofcommunicating.com.au/public_speak
Second Reply:
JW Pasley
This week’s discussion has an interesting prompt that has caused me to seriously think about my own non-verbal ques and what message I may be sending to others. So. Beyond that let’s talk about the first candidate that presents as confident but to confident. Let’s think for a moment that your speaking with a candidate that has rigid posture, makes constant eye contact and has a constant expression on their face. Yes, they do project confidence however, they are also projecting hostility which can give an expression that you don’t want. The advice I would give this person is to not stare like we are in a contest. Secondly, smile and relax which I think are two sides of the same coin. Now, about the second candidate, this person slumps in their chair, makes little to no eye contact and last but not least checks their phone every 10 minutes while fidgeting the entire time. This person needs serious help, I know because I have all of these systems than one, that one is the phone. My advice to this person is to calm yourself down before walking in. This calmness will make it easier to not fidget as much and also make eye contact which are both hard to do when you are nervous. “One of the most common ways candidates give off negative vibes is through non-verbal communication, yet most people are wholly unaware of the kinds of signals they’re sending through simple things like facial expressions or how they sit or stand (Casali, 2018).”
Casali, B. (2018) The Power of Body Language in the Job Interview. Retrieved from: https://www.biospace.com/article/the-power-of-body

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