Hello, this is the offer for the discussion post that I have explained to you. I have already started it, and I only need two more question to go. A minimum of 600 word count, and I have already completed 250. It is very easy to achieve this word count as well, you will notice. Moreover, you can access this assignment the same way you accessed the other. It is under the Quiz 5 and it is called ” Harlem School Zone”. Watch the video and answer the questions provided for the post, which are where the video is at. Remember to please send it to me through study pool in order for me to review it prior to submission, and if it can be returned to me by noon tomorrow. Below I will attach the work I have done, so that you may copy it, and continue from there in the same format. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you!


**Remember APA format and please reference the book, and 1 outside source as well. Thank you!**

Harlem Children Zone

1. Describe the Harlem Children’s Initiative.

The purpose or the initiative behind Harlem Children is to get the children from Harlem, an impoverished area in New York, which statistically shows that children are falling below the educational standard in comparison to white Americans and improve these levels of education for these children. This project was founded by a man named Geoffrey Canada. The way that Canada has conducted this project is done through several incentives that are offered to the children. Some of which are free trips to Disney world if they score a certain level on testing (for younger children), and a salary of $120 per month for perfect attendance (for older children). Harlem Children after entering this program have shown an incredible improvement in scores in areas such math and reading, in which they were drastically falling behind in. Almost 4 years below their grade level to be exact. Canada has dedicated his time and efforts into helping the children in this area, and allowing them to not only believe but to see that they too can be as successful and smart as anyone else out there. Giving them the education and motivation needed in order to pave a future for these children.

2. Describe which Community Intervention Components (from Ch.5) were incorporated into the Harlem Children’s Initiative, and made successful?

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