Primary Task Response: Julius Caesar used one of the earliest known cipher systems to communicate with Cicero in Rome while he was conquering Europe.  Caesar knew that there was a very high risk of ambush or spies when sending messages; therefore, he developed a cryptographic system now known as the Caesar cipher.  Please provide a detailed response to the below to include specific details and examples. What is the Caesar ROT3 Cipher? How does it work? Although the Caesar cipher is easy to use, it is easy to crack.  How would an attacker break a Caesar-style cipher? Try your hand! 1.  Encrypt the below message using the Caesar ROT3 cipher. I WILL BECOME A CRYPTOGRAPHIC GURU 2.  Decrypt the below message using the Caesar ROT3 cipher. FRQJUDWXODWLRQVBRXJRWLW 3.  Create a cipher of your own and see who can crack it!  Toward the end of the week, provide the solution to your cipher.

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