Since the inception of radio and television, scholars have wondered whether what we hear in the media impacts our thoughts and decision‐making. Further, does it make any difference whether or not we are directly paying attention to the content? Can there be subliminal influence on each of us? The internet and social media have only exacerbated the importance of these questions as “fake news” has littered the media landscape we all use every day.

This is especially poignant when discussing violence and has recently become an issue in the media again with the tragedy of school shootings occurring regularly across the U.S. As the survivors and politicians search for answers, the question naturally arises: Do the media, video games, music, and the internet influence violent behavior?

By Day 3 of Week 7

Post a response to the following question:

Do you think media influences violent behavior? Explain your opinion and support it with evidence from at least two credible peer-reviewed journals.

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