Discussion – How to Live to 100+


This week you learned from Dan Buettner’s TED Lecture: How to live to be 100+.


As you reflect on your readings and your own personal and professional experiences with others consider this week’s learning objectives and describe how the material from this week challenged you, corrected myths and/or concerned you. What are some of the new questions that are now arising for you? (Please note you may use “I” as this week’s post is meant to be reflective.)

Then search the literature to find evidence based practices and interventions that would help you to answer your questions and concerns as if you were going to create change that would increase or enhance the life span of Americans.

Your Tasks:

Please submit one original post (400-500 words)

Cite the text when appropriate for the discussion prompt above. Cite at least two relevant peer-reviewed journal articles.


Prior to submitting your posts, check them for appropriate grammar, usage and spelling. In the field of social work it is important to be able to communicate effectively when writing as well as when speaking. Errors in these areas will result in a lower grade for your discussion posts.

(Learning Objectives)

After completing this week’s activities you will be able to:

Assess developmental tasks of later adulthood.

Describe the physiological and mental changes that occur in later adulthood.

Explain contemporary theories of aging.

Discuss theories of successful aging and strategies to enhance a healthy process.

Describe specific problems and their causes, common diseases, and primary reasons of death among older adults.

Describe services that promote healthy aging and problems older adults are challenged by.

Identify gaps in services and explore opportunities for adequately filling such gaps.

Summarize material on grief management and education about dying.

Recommended Readings and Websites


NASW. (2006). – NASW standards for social work practice in palliative and end of life care.


Parker-Pope, T. (2009, May 18). – Kept from a dying partner’s bedside. New York Times.



PBS, The secret life of the brain, Episode 5: The Aging Brain


Towards as Alzheimer’s Cure

Stanley Kunitz

Additional Video Clips

Two peer-reviewed journal articles (WILL ATTACH THE ARTICLES)

Chiriboga, D. A., Jang, Y., Banks, S., & Kim, G. (2007). Acculturation and Its effect on depressive symptom structure in a sample of Mexican American elders. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 29, 83-100.

Tsolaki, M., Fotini, K., & Sofia, K. (2009). Severe psychological stress in elderly individuals: A proposed model of neurodegeneration and its implications. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, 24(2), 85-94

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