you must use “one” outside source (not the textbook) from 2014 or newer in your comments and list it as you would on a MLA works cited page: example below. No Wikipedia,, about.con,, other databanks, personal examples, anecdotes, or religious sources accepted! You can also go to external links and check for proper format for each type of source, or refer to any MLA handbook.
What are the perceived differences between men and women? Are the stereotypes real? What do their clothes, food, hair, personality, outlook, surroundings, friends, activities, emotions or anything else say about them? Why does it matter? And who decides what matters? Is it the media, environment, or determined at birth? Respond with 300-500 words and one outside source and reference at least one textbook article from section five.
Check out the link:
Please follow instructions, and watch video to get ideas. Also, please use an article for the source, and don’t use book sources.
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