In this module, we learned a great deal about Minoan and Mycenaean society, as well as the archaeologists, Sir Arthur Evans and Heinrich Schliemann, who essentially broke way for new and stunning historical research with their astounding discoveries.
For this discussion, identify which archaeologist YOU would rather have dug with and why: Sir Arthur Evans or Heinrich Schliemann. Your decision should be based upon what we were able to learn about the Aegean civilizations as a result of their contributions, and their methodology, not just whether you think one was more fun than the other.
Your response must include:
- the rationale or criteria you think are essential for determining which dig you would rather have been associated with.
- specific examples that support your reasoning and demonstrate
- why you chose this specific archeologist’s dig,
- what they discovered that you would have liked to have seen
- what we learned about the civilization they dug up that you think is important
- Make sure you also address why you would NOT have chosen the other archaeologist.
- Include specific issues you have with their methodology or their work.
You are required to provide a quote from the reading(s) for each of your examples.
Be sure to refer back to the learning activities where appropriate and provide citations for your quotes. See the MLA citation guide in the Orientation module for more information about citation format. You will cite the webpages that the e-text sends you to, not the e-text itself.
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