Hello, this discussion post should be about 1-2 paragraphs, per question. Please only use the authors last name and page number to cite in the paragraph. The reading required in order to answer these questions is from the book: “Race, Class, and Gender in the United States: An Integrated Study, 10th Edition, by Paula S. Rothenberg, Worth Publishers, (New York: 2016)”. The two reading from this textbook will be: Chapter 5, “Homophobia as a weapon of sexism” By suzanne phar pages 134-143. The other reading is Chapter 6, “Class in America-2012” By Gregory Mantsios, page 144-162.

The question for Chapter 5 is:

  1. Why does Pharr argue that sexism is weapon of homophobia? Did Pharr’s essay make you uncomfortable, or did you find yourself agreeing with her?

The question for Chapter 6 is:

  1. What contributes to the differences between the three case studies that Mantsios describes and discusses around class status?

There is no other materials needed to answer the 2 questions, other than the chapters listed from the book above. Thank you, please let me know if there is anything I can clear up!

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