To successfully write code for your methods so that they work correctly, you need to develop an algorithm. The algorithm will be the series of steps that if executed will produce the desired results. Pseudocode is a common tool used by programmers to draft an algorithm. Pseudocode is not quite code and it is not quite English. It is a blend of the two so you can get your list of steps down on paper, helping you to develop your algorithm logic before you write code.

Your initial post should be a maximum of two paragraphs and should have a series of steps that represents an algorithm. USING PSEUDOCODE, write an algorithm. The algorithm will result in a message that is created from five words. The algorithm will first create five Arrays. Each Array stores a list of words. The algorithm will generate a random number that will be used as an index into each Array. The algorithm will use this index to select one word from each of the five Arrays to form a message. Post your algorithm in the discussion area. Your algorithm should be a series of steps that if executed would yield the intended results or behavior. In responding to at least two of your peers’ posts, please discuss how your algorithm differs from your classmates’ algorithms. What did you learn by reviewing your classmates’ algorithms?

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