Historically the intersections of class, race/ethnicity, and gender have been absent from criminological discussions. As a result, the true nature of class, race/ethnicity, and gender and their influence on policy remain dismal. Given what you have read this week, provide an analysis of the impact that the intersection of class, race/ethnicity, and gender have on criminological perspectives. Be sure to include references from the Barack chapter, the Reiman Appendix II and the Burgess-Proctor article.
Barak – Chapter 1 and Reiman – Appendix II
Simpson, Sally S., and Lori Elis. 1995. “Doing Gender: Sorting Out the Caste and Crime Conundrum.” Criminology 33: 47-81.
Burgess-Proctor, Amanda. 2006. “Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Crime: Future Directions for Feminist Criminology.” Feminist Criminology 1: 27-47.
Word Count: 300
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