Step One: Select an Artist

In each of the images listed at the bottom of this page, the artist has used materials in a unique way that makes a powerful visual statement.

Before you make your selection or write your post, scroll all the way to the bottom of this page and review all the images and linked content and videos. Then select a work of art that you find engaging or piques your curiosity. Write about the image because you care.

Step Two: Post in the Class Discussion

After you select one of the of images, organize your 500-750 word analysis into four categories and follow the instructions listed below. It may be helpful to use headings in your Discussion post.


Clearly state and describe the subject. What type of subject is it? In general, what is the story, or narrative (if applicable)?

Form and Content – Medium

Clearly describe the artist’s unique approach to using the materials and why they chose those materials. Explain how this approach contributes to making a powerful visual statement and reinforces the meaning. In other words, what was the artist trying to say or express by doing it this way?

Form and Content – Visual Element or Principle of Design

Clearly identify and describe the most dominant visual element or design principle used in the artwork. Explain how it contributes to making a powerful visual statement and reinforces the meaning. In other words, how did the artist’s use of this element strengthen what the artist was trying to say or express?


Conclude your post by asking a clear and thoughtful question that will draw your classmates into your discussion post. Make it specific. For example: “Can you think of ways to use art to make a political statement without offending the public?” That’s just one example. Think of your own.

Kara Walker

Click this image to watch a video about the work of Kara Walker.

This is an installation titled "Renaissance society installation", 1997 by Kara Walker

Kara Walker, Renaissance society installation, 1997

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