Discussion 3
Read carefully:
Two OPTIONS for Discussion 3 (one or the other, not both). Original posts should be at least 300 words.
Option One:
- Locate a research study in any of the following journals using the FIU Library e-journal database (Links to an external site.): Journal of Consumer Research, Consumer Culture Theory, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business, International Journal of Marketing Studies , or Research in Consumer Behavior. Write a summary of conclusions. In addition to the summary, explain if marketing has the responsibility or not to influence cultural values? Use specific examples to support your position.
- Log into the FIU Library (Links to an external site.) using your email or library card.
- Provide the full citation of the article with journal, authors, title, volume, date, page number, issue, and year.
Option Two:
- Provide further summary of details for one of the online tribes analyzed in the second reading (Control and Power in Online Consumer Tribes…). Discuss the traits or roles of control and power mentioned in the article. For a totally different product or service, create a marketing approach or tactic based on the ideas of power and control mentioned in this article. Creativity welcomed!
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