Data & Application Resumption

Most enterprises often ignore planning for business continuity ahead of an emergency. Businesses that adopt a documented incidence response (IR), disaster recovery (DR), and continuation plan survive if adversity strikes. Planning may not be directly profitable to an organization, but it limits the loss of significant data. Data and application resumption is important, as employees can access vital files that they rely on to keep business running.

All businesses are susceptible to data loss. According to Yang et al. (2015), it is important to ensure a backup plan for business resumption as individual data is impossible to replace once lost. For instance, a company’s financial transaction records, videos, and photographs may be vulnerable, hence making it difficult for managers to explain the issue to their clients or employees. Therefore, incident response and disaster recovery are necessary for businesses.

IR allows a firm to handle and manage incidents that have adverse outcomes. These incidences range from power outage and hardware failure to human error, which is hard to avoid. A good IR team can secure data before it is lost. A business that lacks a continuity management plan is vulnerable to bad reputation (Britton, 2016). Stakeholders and customers regard the business as insecure and untrustworthy. DR plan involves technological methodologies that provide systems with the capacity to recover information, especially after a disaster.

In summary, businesses must ensure that proper IR and DR mechanisms are part of their operational frameworks. This approach allows firms to save data, which is consistently susceptible to loss. Investors find confidence in the company or business. How would a manager explain to clients when important data is lost to a disaster? Hackers, viruses, and employees’ mistakes are possible causes of data loss. For a business to thrive, it must be ready to recover from any catastrophe.


Britton, C. (2016). Risks and costs of not having a business continuity management program. Retrieved from htpps://…

Yang, C.-I., Yuan, B. J., & Huang, C.-Y. (2015). Key determinant derivations for information technology disaster recovery site selection by multi-criterion decision-making model. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science, and Technology, Education, 13(8), 4553–4589. doi:10.3390/su7056149

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